
Course Information

African American Biblical Interpret (D BI 652)

Term: Spring 2024


There is not currently a faculty member for this course


This course analyzes the interplay between the Bible and race with particular attention to the experiences of African Americans. Topics are biblical, historical, and theological in nature. Biblically, the course will examine not only the Bible’s explicit teachings on race, but also ways that the biblical narrative (such as the exodus story) has informed black identity. Historically, the class will focus on slavery, its abolition, the civil rights movement, the Pan-African movement, as well as more contemporary issues. Theologically, students will gain exposure to ideas from liberationist, postcolonial, and black theologians. Successful completion of the class provides a solid understanding of biblical exegesis, biblical theology, and the Black experience in America. This course satisfies requirements for an English Exegesis class.