
Course Information

Syst Analy & Design (D CIS 404)

Term: Fall 2024


There is not currently a faculty member for this course


Mon-Wed-Fri, 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM (8/21/2024 - 12/12/2024) Location: MAIN TECH 202


This course introduces students to the tools and techniques used to analyze business problems and opportunities and to design technology-based solutions. Topics include; problem and opportunity recognition, information requirements analysis, data gathering techniques, process and UML modeling tools, and the future of systems analysis and design. Upon completion students will be able to analyze business problems and generate systems requirements documents. This course is part of the capstone experience and is not open to transfer equivalency. Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing and CIS 205, CIS 213, CIS 215, and CIS 332, or departmental approval.