
Course Information

Painting I (D ART 230)

Term: Fall 2024


There is not currently a faculty member for this course


Tue-Thu, 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM (8/21/2024 - 12/12/2024) Location: MAIN HRTG 200


This course provides a foundation in painting forms in two dimensions, figure/ground relationships, color theory, line, volume, value, shape, and texture. Emphasis will be on line, brush mark, shape, figure/ground, still life, linear perspective, architecture and compositional structure using acrylic paints. Students will render a variety of paintings ranging from simple exercises to more complex subjects and scale. Assignments will develop student???s understanding of organizational possibilities, critical thinking skills and the fundamentals of artistic expression. Students will be able to use a more global critical lens in evaluating contemporary painting. Demonstrations, videos, lecture, critique (group and individual), and field trips may be used to support the studio environment. There are no prerequisites for this course.