
Course Information

Social Stratification (D SOC 331)

Term: Summer 2024


There is not currently a faculty member for this course


This course is a critical and historical examination of contrasting theories and the thoughts of those who are justifying or attacking social inequality.
This course will explore various aspects of social injustice in society such as socioeconomic, political, sexual, racial, and international inequalities. Students will compare class relations and disparities within the United States to class and caste systems in other societies. Upon completion of the course, students will describe the issues/benefits of inequality and power relationships in society. They will also identify the social rationale behind stratification and demonstrate a broad and deep understanding of the societal context that influences one???s own, and that of others, values, beliefs, and actions. Students will construct a substantial foundation to build upon in their fields of study. Students also integrate their oral and written communication skills, particularly when applying analytical and scientific thought and